
Welcome to my personal art website!

As a child I was always drawing and painting, so it must have been an early passion of mine to observe the world around me and to create my own vision on everything I saw!

That is why, after a career in media education, I decided 2 years ago to seriously spend time and energy on my own art education and I took lessons with Vera de Backker, a renowned Dutch artist, who challenged me to use different materials and techniques.

With my portraits I wish to show the beauty of every person I paint and to draw the attention to the beauty of diversity in general. Every face or posture is unique and I just can not get enough of observing people, faces and bodies ;o)! I mix acrylic paint, pastel, neocolor and fineliners to get the best effects.

Another passion of mine is looking closely at the movement of animals and people and to express this energy in painting and drawings. 

My home is situated in Amsterdam, where I also work as the founder and director of the National Academy for Media and Society, which teaches Media Literacy to teachers, children and their parents. The website of the Academy is www.mediaenmaatschappij.nl and my personal business website is www.liesbethhop.nl.

If you are interested in my artwork, please let me know through the CONTACT page.

You can also find or follow me through my Instagram account LiesbethHopArt!

Enjoy your visit!

